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District Wide Broadcast Message

Ontario School District

Safety & Prevention

District Safety & Prevention Staff

District Safety & Prevention Staff

OSD Communicable Disease Plan

OSD Emergency Operations Plan

safety & Prevention Communications

safety & Prevention Communications

We wanted to take a few minutes to share with you our communication process regarding threats or reported tips. In an effort to be transparent and keep our communication pertinent, we do not share every tip that is reported to staff/SafeOregon. Instead, we spend the critical first moments investigating the matter. Due to the strong working relationship between District personnel and the Ontario Police Department, we are able to quickly identify the credibility and scope of these reported tips and threats. Thankfully, it is rare that we have to elevate a tip to a potential threat to others. 

We want parents to know that we take every precaution when it comes to investigating tips/threats made against other students, staff, or property. To remain gracious communicators, we will only alert you of threats that pose a potential for harm, or threats that have become public. More often than not, threats can be dealt with and eliminated without having to call additional attention to the matter. 

We ask that you be a partner in communication and continue to report anything that may be interpreted as a threat to school property or persons. Tips can be made anonymously using our SafeOregon tip line: 
Tips can also be made to trusted District Personnel or law enforcement. Please call 9-1-1 if there is an immediate threat to a student, staff member, or school. The anonymous tip line allows for reporting of any negative activity on campus, including threats against the school, fights, bullying, drugs, and more. 

Please do not resort to fact-finding on social media, because that information tends to be inflammatory or false. If you have questions about a certain situation or something you’ve seen or heard please do not hesitate to call our schools or district office. We can get you the answers you need. 

Thank you, 

Ontario School District
The safety of our students is paramount and central to our mission of teaching, learning, and relationship-building.
The Ontario School District routinely trains and discusses how to enhance our practices important to school safety.  We have dedicated staff resources to ensure that our safety practices are up-to-date and coordinated with local law enforcement agencies. 
Beyond the drills and building upgrades, the Ontario School District mindfully works to build strong relationships with students and to create a school culture and climate that is welcoming and nurturing. This work is not only intended to improve learning outcomes but is also designed to create and sustain safe schools.
Some of the School Safety Practices Added or Enhanced for the 22-23 School Year:
  • Security cameras have been added (in addition to what we already had) at all campuses
  • Exterior door lockout at all district campuses
  • Security doorbell camera system installed at each school/building entrance
  • Hired a School Safety and Prevention Supervisor for the district
  • Coordination with state and local law enforcement to conduct active shooter training/drills
  • Budgeted for office remodels to enhance security at the front entrances of our buildings
  • Adding a robust Emergency Management System/streamlining response protocols 
  • Educating parents and the public about what we are doing to prioritize student and staff safety and what part they play in keeping our schools safe
  • Finalizing an Emergency Operation Plan to submit to the state that outlines roles and responsibilities in the case of an event
Ontario School District Emergency Operations Plan (In Progress)